Monday 19 September 2016

Me Talk Pretty One Day - Tasks

1. Complete your written responses for the questions below.
Below are some notes to help you write them, along with your notes from Tuesday's lesson.

      P: I think that the teacher in the story is presented...
      E: In the text, it/she says, '...'
      E: The word/phrase '...' suggests that...

Aim to incorporate some of the following words and phrases into your responses:

Key vocabulary:
To pick up
To be completely thrown
Sink or swim

Useful phrases:
Throughout the storythe teacher is presented as …
The teacher seems/is portrayed as  ..
As far as i´m concerned … /in my opinion
In my experiencethese type of teaching methods ….
To affect/ruin self-esteemself-confidence

2. Complete the language exercises on the reverse side of Me Talk Pretty One Day.

3. Read the additional text English won't dominate as world language, highlighting any words you do not know, and annotating it as appropriate.

These three tasks need to be finished for Friday 23rd September. You need to be able to show me on your screen and/ or your written responses. 

Extension: Attempt the IB questions on the reverse of the article (Questions 1, 2 and 3)

The Extension task is not compulsory, BUT to score well in the IB (and as part of your AIE grade), further reading such as this is important, and these questions will give you a good idea of what to expect in the IB exam.

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