Friday, 15 September 2017

Language Learning - FIRST LOOK

1. In preparation for our first topic, read the following articles on language learning and languages in the UK:

2. As you read, pick out new vocabulary and write a definition for them. AT LEAST EIGHT FROM EACH ARTICLE. 
Remember to use lingro at the top of the blog to help you read the articles, especially the third one!

3. If you finish, please use the tabs at the top of the blog (Guardian, BBC etc.) to research some more articles on language learning. 

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Passive voice practice

CLICK LINKS HELPER!:------- Passive Voice with Past Participles Active to Passive
                                                               Passive or active?

                                                               Passive to active

PLUS!  Make get do collocations 

Friday, 26 May 2017

Advanced Reporting Verbs - Structures you NEED to know

Write (by hand in your notebooks) a sentence with each reporting verb. Look closely at the structure and follow it. ASK if you are unsure of prepositions that go with some of them!

Let me know when you have finished so I can mark them!

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Year 11 T3 Final exam content

1)      Language Learning
4)      Purple Hibiscus Chapter 1 - 6 (See blog posts or go to class folder)

1)      Reported Speech 
2)       Advanced Reporting Verbs
3)      Irregular Past Participles and their meanings
4)      Passive Voice ( active – Passive   and   Passive – active)

Writing Styles:
1)      Speech
2)      Transcript Interview
3)      Essay
4)      Leaflet
5)      Blog

There will also be an IB reading section

All of this will feature in the exam. There are lots of links on the blog that we have used throughout the year as well as the notes you have made during our classes... Start revising now!

Monday, 22 May 2017

Purple Hibiscus Chapter 7

Recap: Chapter 6

1. Describe Aunty Ifeoma in three words
2. Why is Kambili at first unsettled by Aunty Ifeoma and her personality?
3. List two ways in which Ifeoma is similar to Eugene (Papa) and one way in which she is different to him.
4. Is Ifeoma rich like Eugene? How do we know?
5. How does Kambili’s cousin’s (Amaka’s) personality compare with Kambili’s?

Quizlet List for Chapter 7 found here!

Final activity: Create at least five comprehension questions (with answers!) based on what we have read today. Aim to have them from the start, middle and end of where we have read.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Writing a blog

Image result for blog

  • Choose one of the two blog post topics below. Once you have chosen one, you should write a brief blog post (about 200 words) independently. This needs to be handwritten. Follow the blog writing checklist to ensure you are including as many typical features of a blog post as possible.
  • Once you have finished, swap your post with your partner's.
  • Aim correct any technical errors in your partner's post, as well as going through the blog writing checklist and deciding which of the typical features your partner has or hasn't included.
  • A well as this, you should highlight/underline anything that you particularly like about their post. 
  • Finally: Any which is theirs better than yours? And how is yours better than theirs? Make a note of any opinions on these questions underneath their blog post.

Option One: What is life like in Seville?
Option Two: How important is it to be rich?

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Term 3 Writing - Blogs

REMEMBER: We will do a WRITING exam (Crit C 33%) on Friday 19th May. On this, you will have two options: EITHER a brochure OR a blog. Be ready to answer both of them in case you like one topic more than another one.
Features/ Characteristics of a blog
•A title, perhaps quirky, witty – like an article title
•A mixture of formal/informal language
• First person narration
•Reference to frequency of blogging – “As we saw in yesterday´s post/ As you regualr readers know …”
Personal thoughts/opinions/feelings about a stimulus/topic
•Invitation for your reader’s to comment on your post
•Reference to reader/engage reader - through direct address, a lively and interesting style

•A blog is a 'public statement‘ so ideas need to be organised to show some evident + consistent purpose - use paragraphing and cohesive devices to structure your ideas appropriately

Blogs to read

Now: Using the examples I have given you / looking through the examples linked above / any others you might find... look up fifteen key phrases and structures you could use in your own blog writing...

Advanced Blogging Structures...

How to start?
·         For many people,…
·         I’ve been waiting to write this for some time…
·         So, if you haven’t heard about the recent controversy of …
·         So, I recently went to …
·         I know I’ve posted about … before, but …
·         From … to …, our … have
·         There’s a story currently…
·         Nowadays, I find myself …
·         So, this post is going to …

Expressions/ Idiomatic vocabulary
·         Well, it goes without saying that …
·         If I could put my finger on one thing in particular, it would be …
·         Shame it doesn’t work like that.
·         It goes hand in hand with …
·         Rhetorical questions and answers: Who knows? I don´t. …, right? But when did … become …?
·         Yes/No, …
·         A distraction that I, for one, can’t wait to get rid of.
·         How dare he/ she/ they!
·         I have never eye-rolled this much…
·         Let’s face it …
·         Boo them!/ Cheer them!
·         Needless to say …
·         Anyway, each to their own.
·         To become a dartboard - to become a target
·         To go through the roof - to increase

Introducing yourself in the text/ expressing opinions
·         As a teenager
·         As a black woman…
·         How much I care…
·         But that’s just me.
·         I never thought I’d find myself saying this but …
·         I must say that I agree/disagree with …
·         If I could put my finger on one thing in particular, it would be …
·         What I do know is …
·         Aghh, I’m sorry, I don’t mean to sound like …
·         So, I’m here to …
·         As much as I think that …, I also think that …
·         I love…
·         I reckon… (informal for I think)
·         I guess there is/are …
·         I was pretty freaking amazed…
·         Oddly, while…
·         Aside from the fact that I’m …, I also think …
·         Shock horror, I’m not into …

Speaking directly to your reader
·         Ha! Don’t be ridiculous!
·         Don’t try and kid yourself!
·         Don’t be silly enough to…
·         Get off your high horse!
·         Get off your soap box!
·         Make a difference!
·         By the way, …

How to end?
·         If you want to share/ offer your opinion and join in with this conversation, please leave a comment below.
·         I’d love to know your thoughts so leave a comment below!

·         If you agree with me, please share my post.

Idioms are an excellent way to show off in informal writing. Try to learn some of the ones below and use them in your blog.

CAE Idioms

Body Idioms

Friday, 28 April 2017

Work for over Feria and key information

Homework tasks:

1. Complete the following reading exercises in your blue student´s books:

P15 - Exercise 1

P18 - Ex 1 and 2

P64-5 - Ex 2, 3, 4, 5

2. Find three articles on ANY TOPIC of your choosing. Use the websites from the top of the blog (Guardian, BBC, Huffington post etc). I want a vocabulary list with definitions with at least fifteen words that you looked up whilst reading.

We will do a 33% Criterion B IB reading exam on Friday 12th May after Feria. The above work and work we will do when we come back will prepare you for this exam...

We also need to do a 33% Criterion C writing exam. This will be during the week commencing 15th May (provisionally). I will give more details on this with an exact date when we come back after Feria.

Have a lovely week for Feria :)

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Monologue Oral: Why is Y12 so (un)important?

Tuesday 25th April

Discussion of the importance/ non-importance  of final high school examinations.
Why do we have such pressures on us as 17/18 year old students?
What adds to our anxieties?
How can we best cope with these problems?

Attack or defend?

Exam Information:
You will have to write a monologue about the theme of RITES OF PASSAGE.
Your classmates, teachers and parents are your audience.
You can bring notes with a maximum of 5 short bullet pointsthese will be checked.
It will take place in front of the class.
You will receive 2x 33% Crit A grades – 1 forgrammar’ 1 for ‘ideas’ (more information to follow).
Your monologue must last for a minimum of 3 minutes and a maximum of 4 minutes. If you fail to stick to this timing, you will lose marks

You will get inspiration from this video here ´The Most Powerful Ever Speech´

Monday, 17 April 2017

Chapter 6 Comprehension Questions

1.  Aunty Ifeoma’s personality at first unsettles Kambili. Why do you think this is the case?
2.  List two ways in which Ifeoma is similar to Eugene, and two ways in which she is different to him.
3.  What evidence is there to suggest that Ifeoma doesn’t share in her brother’s wealth.
4.  What language do Ifeoma and Eugene communicate in? What could this suggest?
5.  How does Kambili’s cousin’s (Amaka’s) personality compare with Kambili’s?
6.  Why doesn’t Kambili wear trousers?
7.  Ifeoma says that Papa-Nnukwu isn’t a pagan, but a ___________.
8.  Kambili cannot imagine the sound of her own ___________, but hopes it would sound like _______________.

If you finish, tell me so I can look at your answers. Then (AND ONLY AFTER SHOWING ME YOUR ANSWERS!), you may look at the quizlet list for chapter 7...

Friday, 7 April 2017

Work to be completed over HOLY WEEK

1. Finish the leaflet, instructions below:

You must produce a leaflet advertising the town / city where you grew up.
You can use the information you noted in class
You can use the adjectives and structures from the websites
You must use the structures from our PP that we talked about
Images are acceptable but must not take up too much space.
Word count = minimum 200 words.

You must use sub-headings and bullet points similar to those used on the websites



Page 41, exercise 1(Vocab NOT speaking!)
Page 45 (EXAM FOLDER 3), Exercises 5 and 6
Pag 47, Exercises 1,2 and 3 (Vocabulary section).

Your answers need to be hand written on paper for the first lesson back.


Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Writing Skills for Term 3


For more ideas on the language, style, tone of a brochure/pamphlet/ leaflet use these websites -

Liverpool - The Greatest City in the World

London - The Capital City

What all of these formats have in common is that they are concerned to give information quickly and concisely. The task may define an emphasis on informing (e.g the health leaflet) or on promoting (e.g. the publicity brochure).
Basic Format
Main heading (informing), or eye-catching slogan (promoting)
Use of manageable multiple sections : identified by bullet points, lines, stars, numbers in order to highlight key information
- Subheadings : used to show the steps/stages of the argument
- Succinct explanation : individual concepts / ideas are presented clearly and quickly
Background information : e.g. 'Contact us' + phone number / email
Ø'address' - you must directly address the target audience
Ø´promotional language' – usually, these text types are all encouraging, they encourage the target audience to agree with what is being presented, to 'buy theidea‘ – use STYLE and RHETORICAL DEVICES to achieve this effect 

ØClear step-by-step overall argument : individual points are linked together into a convincing sequence of ideas
Organising an event
Join use in our celebration of …
Come and join in …
(Place) will come alive with our event …
Everyone can take part/participate in …
The council in partnership with the citizens will put on an event.
You must join forces with us …
This issue is glaringly important because
How to get involvedWelljust contact us on 
Stand up for your rights with us …
How to learn more about …
We won´t back down.
Have you ever thought about ….?
Get in touch with us by …
Come along and …
Get informed .. Keep reading

Go to our website for more information
___ is a revolutionary new product on the market
____ offers a new modelway of thinking about …
Move over …., make way for ..
This products offerspromotesrepresentsfostersenhances …
______ offeres the unique opportunity to …
Not only will this product do … but it will also …

Use rhetorical devices
-List of three
-Rhetorical questions
-Lots of personal pronouns

-Some facts to strengthen argument