Friday 21 October 2016


Whilst / After watching the Black Mirror video, answer the following questions in your notebook or in a word document.

The video can be found here;

1)    What does Liam have implanted in his neck? What does it do?
2)     Why does Liam replay the work meeting? What is he worried about?
3)     What are the disadvantages of the memory grain?
4)    Why does one woman at the dinner party not have a grain?
5)    How do the people at the dinner party react to this woman having no grain?
6)    In what ways does the grain affect Liam and his wife´s relationship?
7)    What does Liam discover thanks to his wife´s grain?
8)    What are the advantages and disadvantages of a grain?
9)    How does the episode end? What does the end of the episode suggest about the effects of the grain?

10) Do you think this type of technological development will happen in your life time?

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