Friday 14 October 2016

Work for Tuesday and Wednesday.

1. Complete the vocabulary list and the comprehension questions we started on Friday. (See blog post below Reading techniques)

 Please send your completed questions and answers to:

I must receive these on or before Thursday 20th October by 9am

2. Complete the following exercises in your blue Cambridge Objective Advanced STUDENT´S BOOK:

- Read pages 40-41 and complete exercise 3
- Read pages 42-43 and complete exercises 1-5

These must be completed for our lesson on Friday 21st October. - I will be checking that they are complete.

Optional Extension: If you finish, please complete the exercises on pages 44-45 of your Student´s book.

If you finish the above, please spend the time doing more practise with the quizlet list on internet vocabulary we saw on Friday.

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