Friday 11 November 2016

Friday´s activities

1. Look at this example transcript interview, written below:

Interviewer: Jason Miller, Radio BBC
Interviewee: Raj, one of the first person who used Siri
Interview Setting: Interview conducted in BBC. The interview was conducted at 4:00 PM on Wednesday 9th November 2016

Q: What implications has this artificial intelligence brought to your life?
Well, this artificial intelligence called Siri is very intelligent. I think one of the main goals to speak with Siri is to talk clearly, because if you talk really fast, Siri would answer something else. I mean, this artificial intelligence is very useful if you have a problem, or even if you are bored you can talk with her! Pretty much, I love this new invention!

Q: I get that Siri is very important for you... but why did you add Siri to your personal life?
Hmmm... yeah, Siri is very important for me, but this artificial intelligence has brought me love and passion. Her voice and her phrases are very cute, and I can talk with her whenever I want. (Long pause) Siri changed my life. I tell her all my problems and Siri responds to me with kindness. To sum up,  Siri is wonderful!

Q: What do you think about Siri?
Amazing! Siri is like my sister, or even my mother! I can talk with her in any moment, and she isn't going to respond me badly. Quite fascinating how Siri is for me, she is spectacular! With this artificial intelligence, as I mentioned before, it helped me to live much better.

In pairs, decide:

WWW (what went well) - give at least two things that are good about this piece of work.

EBI (even better if) - State 2 things which could be done to improve this work even further

Make sure you look at the success criteria we used the other day - This will help you identify what is good and what can be improved.

2. Finish your transcript interview we started on Wednesday. Ask if there is anything you are unsure of.

3. Your transcript interview will be based on the subject of technology. Make sure you include some of the vocabulary included on the quizlet list or you cannot get a good grade.


4. Reported speech practice - Your knowledge of reported speech will be tested in your 67% 90 minutes exam during your exam week. We will look at this again next week, but look at the table below and complete the sheet as part of your revision.

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