Tuesday 8 November 2016

YOUR TURN: Writing a Transcript interview

Here are the three links to the clips we have watched today with questions...

1.What does Raj say Howard can do to his new phone?
2.Finish the quote from Howard: ´Let me try the _____ recognition´
3.When in his apartment, why does Raj say that Siri does not need to perform the web search for ´Why don´t women like me?´
4.What name does Raj end up asking Siri to call him?

1.Fill in the blanks of what Sheldon says:
´You´ve taken a great evolutionary ____ by abandoning human interaction and allowing yourself to bond with a __________ machine.
2. Explain what Sheldon means when he refers to Raj´s rekationship with his phone as ´taboo love´
3. Why is Barry Kripke having problems with Siri?
4. Finish Kripke´s insult: ´You ____, Siri

1.When talking about Raj dating his phone, which two adjectives does Bernadette use to describe the relationship?
2.Which type of music does Raj  ask Siri to play?
3.Finish the idiom: ´to read someone like _ ____´ - Explain what this means in your own words.

Write a transcript interview between Raj and a reporter from the radio based on the question: ´What has Siri brought to your life
You could talk about :
The implications of artifical intelligence for life    as we know it.
    2. What Siri has added to Raj´s life on a more       personal level.

Remember to use the conventions of a transcript interview we saw in our last lesson.

Remember to follow the conventions and include the following:

An introduction giving date of interview, who wrote transcript, who was interviewed
Questions and answers
STRUCTURE Questions which follow a logical order  - linking to what in said in the previous answer
Relatively formal languagethis is a professional interview
Oral expressions – ‘you know’, ‘pretty much’, ‘sorry, no’, ‘I mean’, ‘like’, ‘anyway’, ‘kind of’, ‘for example’, ‘quite + adjective

Reads like a script – an accurate transcription of the words used, without commentary or description
* uses a register appropriate to the degree of formality implied by the task
* will have a Question & Response structure, showing the characters' 'alternating speeches'
* will express realistic oral speech, perhaps with complex interactions such as interruptions
* will make apparent an overall pattern of topics and ideas

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